Copyright © Alexander Frew 2024
Author of three children’s Science Fiction/Fantasy books between 2001-
He was commissioned by Hale in the same year to write genre novels in the Western tradition and a run of successful novels published including ‘The Broken Trail,’ ‘Death in Deming,’ ‘Bad day in Greenville,’ ‘The Hunted Four,’ and many others. After the founders of Hale retired he was published by the Crowood Press in the same genre.
Since then he had had two novels published,one under his Science Fiction pen name of ‘Alexander Hawksville,’ entitled ‘Reality Junction,’ published by Mocha Memoirs press, the other entitled ‘Rebel Seed,’ in ‘Dead Man’s Hand,’ anthology published by ‘Murderous Ink.’
He is currently working on a trilogy of YA SF novels under the ‘Hawksville,’ name.
However Alex is also a publisher of work by those in the writing community within the West of Scotland. To this purpose he has founded ‘Dawn Print,’ his own registered imprint for the production of his own work and that of others.
He has worked with other writers and performers on spoken word and music albums and his song ‘Beyond Belief’ was featured on ‘About Time,’ by Debbie Campbell and Scott Nicol. He is also collaborating in a play with Rober Neil, journalist and poet.
Alex was winner of the 2019 Tron Poetry Slam hosted by Robin Cairns and is a well-
Receiving my first Imprint Award Prize Winning Certificate from
William McIlvanney author of ‘Docherty,’ ‘Laidlaw’ and many other books.